Senior School (10-12)

Year 10

Year 10 students study subjects based on a core/elective system.

The core subjects covered are English, Maths, Humanities and Social Sciences, Science, Health and Physical Education, The Arts and Technology. There are choices of electives within the Science, Health and Physical Education, The Arts, Languages and Technology areas. Students can also choose three extra electives over the year from within the eight key learning areas, according to their interests and potential pathway.

Students who have a particular passion for a subject or who have identified their pathway to their desired future at the end of Year 9 may elect to “fast track” their course. The students can elect to either begin their VCE in Year 10 by selecting a Unit 1 and 2 subject, or begin their pathway to an Apprenticeship, Traineeship, or alternative TAFE course by selecting a VET subject.

Whilst undertaking Year 10, all students are encouraged to explore their post-school opportunities and to take advantage of both our work experience program and our Amazing Race Camp in Melbourne.

Subject Selection

Years 11 and 12

Our aim is for all students who leave our College to have gained either a VCE certificate or a VCAL certificate.

Subject Selection

Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)

Students completing their VCE certificate are offered a diverse range of subjects across all key learning areas, including subjects which are prerequisites for university placements. If your child is unable to complete a subject at the school, they are supported to access Distance Education through the Virtual School or various languages through the Victorian School of Languages. Students are also offered the opportunity to select a VET subject either onsite at our College or through an external provider. Some universities may offer our more capable students the opportunity to study a first-year university subject whilst in Year 12.

Further information is available in the Mount Clear College VCE Course Guide.

Subject Selection

VCE - Vocational Major (VCE-VM)

What is the VCE Vocational Major (VCE-VM)?
The VCE Vocational Major (VCE-VM) is a pathway within the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) aimed at students in Years 11 and 12 who are interested in taking up a traineeship, apprenticeship, TAFE studies or employment after completing Year 12. It is not suited to students who are seeking direct entry to university courses or many professional occupations.

An Applied Approach to Learning
The VCE-VM is based on principles of applied learning that seek to relate student learning to real life experiences, including workplace, vocational study and community settings. Students are taught skills and knowledge in the context of real-life situations, and are then required to discover how to apply what they have learnt by doing, experiencing, reflecting and relating their acquired skills to the real world.

Subject Selections

Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC)

What is the Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC)?
The Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC) is a stand-alone foundation level course offered at Years 11 and 12. Unlike the VCE and the VCE-VM, the VPC is not an accredited senior level certificate. It is designed to provide a pathway to entry level VET and employment for students with additional learning needs and/or who have missed significant periods of schooling and/or at risk of disengaging from education. It is not suited to students who are seeking direct entry to university courses or many professional occupations.

An Applied Approach to Learning
The VPC is based on principles of applied learning that seek to relate student learning to real life experiences, including workplace, vocational study and community settings. Students are taught skills and knowledge in the context of real-life situations, and are then required to discover how to apply what they have learnt by doing, experiencing, reflecting and relating their acquired skills to the real world.
VPC Structure

The VPC program is highly flexible and students are able to enter and exit at times that suit their learning needs. VPC students are expected to complete a minimum of 12 units over the two year period. Most VPC students will typically undertake 16 to 20 units. A unit usually lasts for one semester (half a year). Students will normally undertake 4 units each of the following four subjects:

Vocational Education and Training (VET)

Our students are offered the opportunity to complete a VET certificate here at the school or through an outside provider. Certificates offered onsite at our College are Building and Construction, Hospitality and Music Performance. External providers offer a wide range of certificates including Sport and Recreation, Hairdressing, Engineering, Community Services, and many others.

Beyond academic achievement
The Senior School staff recognise that school is not just about attaining a certificate. Your child will be encouraged and supported to participate in the many extra-curricular activities organised throughout the school year. The school production, Music performances, Year 12 camp, school sport and leadership activities are just some of the many opportunities students may participate in. Both VCE and VCAL students, especially in their final year of schooling, are provided with a great deal of support from our Careers and Pathway staff and Wellbeing staff in making choices for post-secondary options.

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