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16th Dec 2021  |  Events

2021 Awards Ceremony

We are excited to share our 2021 Awards Ceremony with our community. The recorded event will premiere on Thursday, 16 December at 7:00pm....

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16th Dec 2021  |  News

Year 12 students receive ATAR results

Today our Year 12 students received their ATAR results and we would like to congratulate them for all of their efforts....

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30th Nov 2021  |  News

2021 House Cup Winners

Congratulations to Canadian House for winning the 2021 House Cup and a pizza lunch this Friday....

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28th Oct 2021  |  Events

Year 7 Information Evening

To welcome our incoming Year 7s starting in 2022, an Information Evening for students and families is being conducted online to introduce them to life at Mount Clear College...

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